Monday, June 14, 2010

More early experience

As of today I've ridden with "Bram" the 15-mile loop to the gym four times, and done the 20-mile "Loop" ride twice.

The Loop is a popular ride around here. It has several variations, but basically it is the big sloppy triangle formed by Alpine Road, Portola Road, and Sand Hill Road. I have to ride a few miles to reach a corner of the triangle. And I come home via Stanford Shopping Center to have coffee & a roll at a pleasant cafe whose name I forgetLa Baguette.

Friday's loop ride felt really good. As before, I used assist level 1 most of the time, going to level 3 to climb the three significant hills on this route. Assist or not, I'm already getting stronger as a result of the riding. (Of course, all that will go away again when we spend 2 months in Germany next fall...)

At the start of the ride, the BionX console reported 3/8 charge in the battery. When I left the shopping center for the four-mile ride home, it still had 2/8 showing. I used juice as profligately as I could, level 3 all the way (out-dragging cars at intersections) and even using the manual throttle to golf-cart along the last half-mile, and I still couldn't get it down to the last segment.

But I put it on the charger and topped it up anyway. So today, Monday, starts a new battery-load of juice. About 5 miles into the 15-mile ride to the gym and back, the indicator had dropped to 7/8. But after shutting down at the gym and starting up again to come home, it was back to 8/8, and remained there all the way home. So I don't know.

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