Friday, June 20, 2014

Now you see it, now you don't

First I added about 4 more tests to the mainwindow script shown in a video in the prior post. One of these revealed an interesting bug. The test was, to use File>Open and pick a file that was already open. The result should be to cause the existing edit view of that file to pop to the front (not to open a second copy of the file).

That worked as it should, but then I combined it with another test. The other test was to choose, not somebook.txt but somebook.txt.meta. This should check that somebook.txt exists, and if it does, open it (treating the book and its .meta file as identical). That test also worked as it should. But when I combined the two, opening somebook.txt.meta when somebook.txt was already open, I got two open copies of somebook.txt. Huh?

It was a matter of when the different checks were made, of course, and a small rearrangement of code fixed it. But it's fun taking an attack stance toward my own code and breaking it.

Then I moved on to the notes panel, and the first test of a disappearing Edit menu and it works a treat. I had to modify the mainwindow so that it offered a module method for retrieving the Menu Bar. Then the notes widget could do this:

        ed_menu = QMenu(C.ED_MENU_EDIT,self)
        ...cut, copy, paste...
        self.edit_menu = mainwindow.get_menu_bar().addMenu(ed_menu)

Adding a menu to the menu bar returns a "menu action", and a QAction has a property visible which, if it is set to False, means the action, or in this case the menu, is not shown. Further down in the notes panel code is:

    def focusInEvent(self, event):
    def focusOutEvent(self, event):

And it works just loverly. Click in the Notes panel, the Edit menu appears. Click in the edit view, it disappears. When I finish building notes view I will go back into Edit view and give it an Edit menu of its own, with quite a few more actions.

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