Saturday, August 1, 2015

What to do, where to go next?

I've used this blog with the very clever name (well, perhaps not so clever these days, since nobody uses paper manuals any more, and if you've never seen a software manual on printed paper, you might not get the reference) -- used it, I say, to document whatever enthusiasm is monopolizing my attention. Before 2010, I used it as a place to store occasional essays on whatever was bubbling around in my brain. (Here's a really well-written piece, if I do say so myself, from 2009, on The Too-Small God. Here are actual numbers on the economics of a plug-in hybrid car.) For several months in 2010 I used it to record the process of rebuilding my recumbent bike. For the last two years I've used it as a diary as I developed PPQT2.

Well, PPQT2 is pretty well done now. There are several issues still on the github page, some of which would require significant days of effort to close. But I don't feel any urgency to do that work. The existing app is adequate for my personal needs. The "user community" aside from me can be numbered on one hand, I think; and they are very quiet.

So: whence the blog? Probably it will be very quiet for a while. If you have been following it for the PyQt5 stuff, thank you for reading along! I hope you got something useful from it. I don't expect to be doing much with PyQt now, but if I do, I'll post about it. So I suppose you should keep it in your RSS reader. Just move it down to the bottom of the list, next to those other blogs that you used to follow but which have gone quiet of late.

(I have several like that in my RSS reader. You know, that could make an interesting blog post...)

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