Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A dict has no attrs -- or actually, it does

So I'm starting to code the Translator interface. I've been planning this and making notes on it for months and it's fun to start making it real. Also fun to be back into code-and-test mode after a long spell just flogging installation and bundling problems.

I mean to offer each Translator a simple way to query the user for options. The Translator module uses a simple, static, declarative API to describe what it needs to know from the user. (I talked about this earlier but I've made the API simpler and nicer since.) When the user calls for that translation, I'll whomp up a QDialog on the fly with the necessary widgets—QCheckbox, QSpinbox, QLineEdit—show them to the user, and stow the user's input back where the Translator can refer to them. I'm almost ready to start testing this support except I ran into something that's making me rethink the details of the API. And realize the frustrating limitations of the Python namedtuple class.

What I'm currently asking the coder to do is to describe each dialog item as a dict, for example to ask for a yes/no choice,

    "Type" : "Checkbox",
    "Label" : "Omit tables?",
    "Tooltip" : "Check this if the translation should skip /T tables",
    "Result" : False

That's a nice enough API. Except for the visual effect of all the quotes, which make it look like it needs a shave! So I was writing the code to validate one of these. I dare not assume my client Python coder has done it right, so I need to check everything. Does it have all, but only, the keys it should have? Is everything that is supposed to be a string, a string?

I'd been writing code to interrogate the imported Translator module, which is a Python namespace. You use hasattr() and getattr() for this. So in writing the code to check that one of these dicts was all correct, I wrote things like if hasattr(item, 'Result')... which seemed very natural, but darn, it didn't work.

The hasattr() call didn't throw an error and complain that it wasn't applicable to dictionaries. It just returned False on every test I wrote. OK, I understand that the right way to know if a dict has a certain key is to write if 'Result' in item.... But why didn't hasattr() complain, if it didn't "do" dictionaries?

The answer, I think, is that everything in Python is an object of a class. The hasattr() function interrogates objects, and a dict is an object of class dict. It actually has some attributes such as __repr__ and the like. But its keys are not attributes. It's just that I am trying to use a dict as if it were a "record" in the Pascal sense, which isn't its intended use.

So I thought to myself, is there something that is more like a record, or some way I could make this API more like an old assembler macro call? Well, there is the namedtuple. Using a namedtuple I could do something like this:

## the translator-coder would import a support module with...
from containers import namedtuple
dialog_item = namedtuple('dialog_item',['type','label','tooltip','result'])
## in the Translator module the coder could then write,
OMIT_TABLES = dialog_item(type = 'checkbox',
                          label = 'Omit tables?',
                          tooltip = 'Check this if the translation should skip /T tables',
                          result = False)

Which is an even nicer interface, has less of the fuzzy look. Bonus for me, there's less to check, as there's no question of wrongly spelled keys. But a big problem, there's no way to omit any keys, either. A namedtuple "factory" like dialog_item above will throw an error if it is called with one of the defined keys not supplied. That's not good, because for example, the tooltip should be optional. And some dialog types need additional fields (like "min" and "max" on the Number type) that should be omitted for the other types.

Well, heck. All that namedtuple() is doing, is declaring a class. It's a meta-class, it generates class definitions. So I could with a bit of thought, just code up a class definition with its own initializer that did allow attributes to be optional. Which would, one, be cleaner than making the coder write all those quote-marks; and two, allow me to do validity checking at declaration time.

So back to the drawing board on this API.

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