Friday, February 13, 2015

Annnnd ... no.

I have set up my pyqtdeploy directory structure and in it have built the static versions of Python, Sip and PyQt. I have used pyqtdeploy to establish where all this stuff is (the Locations tab). When I tell it to build, it freezes all the python modules and runs QMake fine.

But the Make step bombs with something incomprensible. Specifically it stops because

make: *** No rule to make target `../Downloads/Python-3.4.2/Modules/Modules/audioop.c', needed by `audioop.o'.  Stop.

It happens that audioop is the first of the C modules in the make sources list. When make reaches it, it has already successfully compiled three .cpp modules.

What's incomprehensible is that to my ignorant eye, there clearly IS a rule, in fact two. Partway down the Makefile there is this:

audioop.o: ../Downloads/Python-3.4.2/Modules/Modules/audioop.c 
 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o audioop.o ../Downloads/Python-3.4.2/Modules/Modules/audioop.c

Which looks very much like a "rule" to me. And at the top there is,

####### Implicit rules
 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o "$@" "$<"

Which also looks like a rule. So what does it want? I wrote to my helpful mentor Lloyd. Hope he has a clue to give me.

Meanwhile, back to PPQT help and stuff.

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