Thursday, May 15, 2014


Work on PPQT has been broken up this week by other events and responsibilities. In the short times I've had to work on it, I've been frustrated by the complexity of the work. I've structured the project pretty well so that pieces can be developed independently and in order—mostly. It has worked that way until now.

Unfortunately there is a tight, broad-band relationship between the Main Window and the Book, and as I got into coding bits of the mainwindow module I increasingly had to go into the book module and add things that were blithely commented as #TODO weeks or months ago. Some of these have mushroomed in size, as TODO items are wont to do. So I found myself deeply nested in logical parentheses without any big time-chunks to work out of them properly.

So what I need to do is finish adding code to the book module, and update its unit-test driver to exercise all the added code, before I can go back to the main window. Also the little function I've added to what was a stub has broken the unit test of at least one other module. So that needs to be resolved. And find a way to carve out multi-hour chunks to get properly stuck-in to these tasks. Tomorrow and next week I hope.

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