Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Making a bad QTextCursor and a promising find

Working today on the unit testing and code finalization of pagedata, the module that keeps track of where the scanned OCR pages of a book each start. This module acts as the data model for several clients: every time the user moves the edit cursor, a bunch of different widgets will ask pagedata "which page is the cursor on now?" The imageview module asks it for the filename of the .png file to display, the scan# and folio# widgets under the edit window ask it for those items, and of course the Pages panel calls on it for the rows of data it displays as a table.

I thought I'd finalized the code but of course as soon as I started adding test calls into it from its unit-test module I found not only bugs but also things I hadn't thought of. It's schizophrenic, flipping back and forth between coding and testing. "What will it do if I throw it this?" the tester asks, and the coder is thinking "Oh shit, why didn't I plan for that?"

Anyway, one of the pieces of crap the test-monkey in me flang at the pagedata module opened a wonderful new prospect in Qt error control! It went down like this.

Important method in the PageData object is read_pages, which processes the page-data lines from the .meta file. When a book is saved, all the metadata goes in the bookname.meta file, including everything we know about page boundary locations. So at load time, read_pages gets called to rip through these saved lines and rebuild the page table as it was when the book was saved.

There are six items in each line, the first being the character offset to the start of the page. That gets turned into a QTextCursor so that Qt will maintain the position as it changes under user editing actions. The code is simple:

    (P, fn, pfrs, rule, fmt, nbr) = line.split(' ')
    tc = QTextCursor(self.document)

and so forth. The test case had already flung a non-integer position P, and the failure of int(P) was caught by the try/except fine. So the next nastiness was a bad position value, first 1000000, much larger than the document, next -1. But neither of these tripped an exception! All that happened was that a message appeared on stderr, "QTextCursor::setPosition: Position '100000' out of range" and the QTextCursor was unchanged.

This opened two new questions: (1), how the heck can read_pages detect that it got a bad position?, and (B), how can we avoid having that message, about an error we've anticipated and dealt with, cluttering up stderr and getting the user all upset?

It was too late in the day to investigate (1), but (B) is a problem I've been plagued by for a long time. Qt is just full of unhelpful debugging errors. My other app, a simple web browser based on QWebKit, likes to throw out stuff like this:

QEventDispatcherUNIXPrivate(): Unable to create thread pipe: Too many open files
QEventDispatcherUNIXPrivate(): Can not continue without a thread pipe
QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.

And I've been wondering in a dazed sort of way if there mightn't be some way to stifle those. But PPQT2 is using proper Python logging. Every module creates its own logger and writes diagnostics, warnings and errors with the logging API. And I definitely plan not to let those log messages dribble out on stderr; they will eventually go into a file.

So it suddenly occurred to me, is there maybe some way to divert the Qt log messages into the Python logging system? I wasn't aware of anything but I started browsing in the index of the Qt Assistant and turned up this: qInstallMessageHandler. This appears to offer a way to accept and process all of Qt's messages.

I'm quite excited about this. If it is accessible under PyQt5, I see a clear path to capturing all Qt messages and converting them into Python log entries. That will let me stifle the WebKit chatter from my comics browser and also this text cursor message in PPQT. Tomorrow I spend the day at the museum but thursday afternoon I get to dig into this!

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